Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Park border to Somewhere West of it

As I write I have reached a very relaxed state by giving up hope of knowing how far I have to go until the next supply point at Docker River. I have lit a very small fire to dry out my sleeping bag from last night's rain. I am quite content to go a few days in the bush with a warm fire at night and bright stars above.

The road started off sandy and I doubted my tyres were knobbly enough. I got rolling and saw a couple of cyclists coming towards me. They were two South Africans, looking very lean and fit, who had just come the way I am going. We had a nice chat then parted as I dropped some dirt to the ground to discover a headwind for me.

I rode slowly the whole day with some sandy patches (usually only about 20 metres long) that can usually be solved by moving to a different part of the road. The corrugations were there but sandy so they hammered the bike only softly.

The sand was bright and a few distant ranges decorate the south of the road. A few minor hills are on the road but mainly only inclines.

Now the sun has gone down and the wind has stopped, the air is cold and I must tend to the fire.

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